There could be many reasons you should consider Christian schools for K-12 education in Haslet, including the location, finances, and perceived academic deficiencies. Even though these are just a few reasons, parents spurn Christian education in favor of its public school counterpart.

Here in this blog, we have covered a few solid arguments in favor of Christian education.

The teaching of God’s word

When you decide how to manage your children’s education, it only makes sense to ask the One who is behind education’s invention. Christian schools offer a biblical, refreshing alternative. Not only is the Bible taught for what it is – the inspired Word of God – but it forms the foundation of all the other texts.

God commands us to teach kids through the Word

It is sad but true that public schools cannot teach precisely what Christian schools offer. They have chosen to ignore the God who created the human mind. To their chagrin, they have robbed themselves of their most valuable ‘textbook’ and the only available source of absolute truth.

The school shares your values

Most Christian parents teach their children about God from the day they are born. They take them to church, reach them Bible stories, and sing ‘Jesus Loves Me.’ Imagine their dismay and shock when they are thrust into an environment where God is ignored, hated, and both.


With many taxpayer dollars funding the student’s bankrolls and them roaming the halls, public schools may only go so far in the area of discipline. More frequent occurrences of physical violence and theft, not to mention course profanity and open rebellion in the classroom. Christian schools offer a much safer spiritual and emotional environment.

Academic achievement

It may seem unreal, but students at Christian schools consistently out-perform their public school counterparts. The standardized test scores are way above the curve, and they get better prepared for college upon graduation. Even in the area of reading and Maths, a subject that is ‘less spiritual’ in content, students at Christian academies like Faith Christian Academy Haslet have proven their superiority.